Schema Information for Shopify
Schema Information for Shopify
In this article, we will look at the schema information of the supported APIs and tables for Shopify.
Find the links to other articles related to Shopify Below:
- Essential Attributes and Supported Tables for Shopify
- Setup Instructions for Shopify
- Shop Name and Access Token for Shopify
Tables/APIs Supported
The tables and APIs associated with the Shopify connector are as follows.
Purpose: An order is a customer's completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process, during which time they provide an email address or phone number, billing address, and payment information. This Retrieves a list of orders.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
browser_ip | STRING |
buyer_accepts_marketing | BOOLEAN |
cart_token | STRING |
checkout_id | NUMERIC |
checkout_token | STRING |
client_details | RECORD |
confirmed | BOOLEAN |
contact_email | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
currency | STRING |
current_subtotal_price | STRING |
current_subtotal_price_set | RECORD |
current_total_discounts | STRING |
current_total_discounts_set | RECORD |
current_total_price | STRING |
current_total_price_set | RECORD |
current_total_tax | STRING |
current_total_tax_set | RECORD |
discount_codes | RECORD |
financial_status | STRING |
gateway | STRING |
landing_site | STRING |
landing_site_ref | STRING |
name | STRING |
note_attributes | RECORD |
number | NUMERIC |
order_number | NUMERIC |
order_status_url | STRING |
payment_gateway_names | STRING |
phone | STRING |
presentment_currency | STRING |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
processing_method | STRING |
reference | STRING |
referring_site | STRING |
source_identifier | STRING |
source_name | STRING |
subtotal_price | STRING |
subtotal_price_set | RECORD |
tags | STRING |
tax_lines | RECORD |
taxes_included | BOOLEAN |
test | BOOLEAN |
token | STRING |
total_discounts | STRING |
total_discounts_set | RECORD |
total_line_items_price | STRING |
total_line_items_price_set | RECORD |
total_outstanding | STRING |
total_price | STRING |
total_price_set | RECORD |
total_price_usd | STRING |
total_shipping_price_set | RECORD |
total_tax | STRING |
total_tax_set | RECORD |
total_tip_received | STRING |
total_weight | NUMERIC |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
billing_address | RECORD |
customer | RECORD |
discount_applications | RECORD |
fulfillments | RECORD |
line_items | RECORD |
payment_details | RECORD |
refunds | RECORD |
shipping_address | RECORD |
shipping_lines | RECORD |
Purpose: Transactions are created for every order that results in an exchange of money. This table retrieves a list of transactions.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
order_id | NUMERIC |
kind | STRING |
gateway | STRING |
status | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
test | BOOLEAN |
authorization | STRING |
parent_id | NUMERIC |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
source_name | STRING |
amount | STRING |
currency | STRING |
payment_id | STRING |
total_unsettled_set | RECORD |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: The Refund resource has two major components:
- Transaction records of money returned to the customer
- The line items included in the refund, along with restocking instructions
This table retrieves a list of refunds for an order.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
order_id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
note | STRING |
user_id | NUMERIC |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
restock | BOOLEAN |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
refund_line_items | RECORD |
transactions | RECORD |
Purpose: The FulfillmentOrder resource represents either an item or a group of items in an order that are to be fulfilled from the same location. There can be more than one fulfillment order for an order at a given location. This table retrieves a list of fulfillment orders for a specific order.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
order_id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
service | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
tracking_company | STRING |
location_id | NUMERIC |
line_items | RECORD |
tracking_number | STRING |
tracking_numbers | STRING |
tracking_url | STRING |
tracking_urls | STRING |
receipt | RECORD |
name | STRING |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: This table retrieves a list of fulfillment events for a specific fulfillment
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
fulfillment_id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
message | STRING |
happened_at | TIMESTAMP |
city | STRING |
province | STRING |
province | STRING |
zip | STRING |
address1 | STRING |
latitude | STRING |
longitude | STRING |
shop_id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
estimated_delivery_at | TIMESTAMP |
order_id | NUMERIC |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: Each tender transaction represents money passing between the merchant and a customer. A tender transaction with a positive amount represents a transaction where the customer paid money to the merchant. A negative amount represents a transaction where the merchant refunded money back to the customer. Tender transactions represent transactions that modify the shop's balance.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: processed_at_min, processed_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
order_id | NUMERIC |
amount | STRING |
currency | STRING |
test | BOOLEAN |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
remote_reference | STRING |
payment_method | STRING |
Purpose: The Customer resource stores information about a shop's customers, such as their contact details, their order history, and whether they've agreed to receive email marketing. This table retrieves a list of customers
Source API Documentation:,1073339465
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
accepts_marketing | BOOLEAN |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
orders_count | NUMERIC |
state | STRING |
total_spent | STRING |
verified_email | BOOLEAN |
tax_exempt | BOOLEAN |
tags | STRING |
currency | STRING |
phone | STRING |
addresses | RECORD |
accepts_marketing_updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
default_address | RECORD |
Purpose: This table retrieves the list of address stored for all the customers
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
customer_id | NUMERIC |
address1 | STRING |
address2 | STRING |
city | STRING |
province | STRING |
country | STRING |
zip | STRING |
phone | STRING |
name | STRING |
province_code | STRING |
country_code | STRING |
country_name | STRING |
default | BOOLEAN |
Purpose: Events are generated by some Shopify resources when certain actions are completed, such as the creation of an article, the fulfillment of an order, or the addition of a product. This table retrieves the list of events
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
subject_id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
subject_type | STRING |
verb | STRING |
arguments | STRING |
message | STRING |
author | STRING |
description | STRING |
path | STRING |
Purpose: This table retrieves the list of products in the given shopify store
Source API Documentation:,921728736
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
subject_id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
subject_type | STRING |
verb | STRING |
arguments | STRING |
message | STRING |
author | STRING |
description | STRING |
path | STRING |
Purpose: Payouts represent the movement of money between a Shopify Payments account balance and a connected bank account. This table retrieves the list of all payouts
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
date | DATE |
currency | STRING |
amount | STRING |
summary | RECORD |
Purpose: Balance Transactions make up the canonical "statement of account", or ledger for a Shopify Payments account. Every single movement of money in or out of the account is recorded here.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
type | STRING |
test | BOOLEAN |
payout_id | NUMERIC |
payout_status | STRING |
currency | STRING |
amount | STRING |
fee | STRING |
net | STRING |
source_id | NUMERIC |
source_type | STRING |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
Purpose: This table retrieves a list of collects associated with the shopify store
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
collection_id | NUMERIC |
product_id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
position | NUMERIC |
sort_value | STRING |
Purpose: This table retrieves a list of custom collections.
Source API Documentation:,691652237,841564295
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
handle | STRING |
title | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
body_html | STRING |
published_at | TIMESTAMP |
sort_order | STRING |
published_scope | STRING |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
image | RECORD |
Purpose: This table retrieves a list of smart collections.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
handle | STRING |
title | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
published_at | TIMESTAMP |
sort_order | STRING |
disjunctive | BOOLEAN |
rules | RECORD |
published_scope | STRING |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: This table retrieves a count of checkouts from the past 90 days
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: updated_at_min, updated_at_max
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
token | STRING |
cart_token | STRING |
buyer_accepts_marketing | BOOLEAN |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
landing_site | STRING |
note | STRING |
note_attributes | RECORD |
referring_site | STRING |
shipping_lines | RECORD |
taxes_included | BOOLEAN |
total_weight | NUMERIC |
currency | STRING |
completed_at | TIMESTAMP |
line_items | RECORD |
name | STRING |
abandoned_checkout_url | STRING |
source_name | STRING |
presentment_currency | STRING |
buyer_accepts_sms_marketing | BOOLEAN |
total_discounts | STRING |
total_line_items_price | STRING |
total_price | STRING |
total_tax | STRING |
subtotal_price | STRING |
billing_address | RECORD |
shipping_address | RECORD |
customer | RECORD |
Purpose: You can use the Policy resource to access the policies that a merchant has configured for their shop, such as their refund and privacy policies.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
body | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
handle | STRING |
title | STRING |
url | STRING |
Purpose: The Country resource represents the tax rates applied to orders from the different countries where a shop sells its products.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
code | STRING |
tax_name | STRING |
tax | NUMERIC |
provinces | RECORD |
Purpose: The Shop resource is a collection of general business and store management settings and information about the store. The resource lets you retrieve information about the store, but it doesn't let you update any information.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
address1 | STRING |
zip | STRING |
city | STRING |
phone | STRING |
latitude | NUMERIC |
longitude | NUMERIC |
primary_locale | STRING |
address2 | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
country_code | STRING |
country_name | STRING |
currency | STRING |
customer_email | STRING |
timezone | STRING |
iana_timezone | STRING |
shop_owner | STRING |
money_format | STRING |
money_with_currency_format | STRING |
weight_unit | STRING |
province_code | STRING |
county_taxes | BOOLEAN |
plan_display_name | STRING |
plan_name | STRING |
has_discounts | BOOLEAN |
has_gift_cards | BOOLEAN |
myshopify_domain | STRING |
money_in_emails_format | STRING |
money_with_currency_in_emails_format | STRING |
eligible_for_payments | BOOLEAN |
requires_extra_payments_agreement | BOOLEAN |
password_enabled | BOOLEAN |
has_storefront | BOOLEAN |
finances | BOOLEAN |
primary_location_id | NUMERIC |
cookie_consent_level | STRING |
visitor_tracking_consent_preference | STRING |
checkout_api_supported | BOOLEAN |
multi_location_enabled | BOOLEAN |
setup_required | BOOLEAN |
pre_launch_enabled | BOOLEAN |
enabled_presentment_currencies | STRING |
transactional_sms_disabled | BOOLEAN |
marketing_sms_consent_enabled_at_checkout | BOOLEAN |
Purpose: A location represents a geographical location where your stores, pop-up stores, headquarters, and warehouses exist. This table retrieves a list of locations
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
address1 | STRING |
city | STRING |
zip | STRING |
province | STRING |
country | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
country_code | STRING |
country_name | STRING |
province_code | STRING |
legacy | BOOLEAN |
active | BOOLEAN |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
localized_country_name | STRING |
localized_province_name | STRING |
Purpose: An inventory level represents the quantities of an inventory item for a location. Each inventory level belongs to one inventory item and has one location. This table fetches all the inventory_levels in all locations
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
inventory_item_id | NUMERIC |
location_id | NUMERIC |
available | NUMERIC |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: An inventory item represents a physical good. It holds essential information about the physical good, including its SKU and whether its inventory is tracked. There is a 1:1 relationship between a product variant and an inventory item. This table fetches all the inventory_items
Source API Documentation:,39072856,457924702
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
sku | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
requires_shipping | STRING |
cost | STRING |
tracked | BOOLEAN |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: In order to use this API, you need to reach out to the Merchant Success Manager and ask them to enable the gift cards API. This table fetches all the gift cards associated with the store
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
balance | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
currency | STRING |
initial_value | STRING |
disabled_at | TIMESTAMP |
line_item_id | NUMERIC |
api_client_id | NUMERIC |
user_id | NUMERIC |
customer_id | NUMERIC |
note | STRING |
template_suffix | STRING |
expires_on | DATE |
last_characters | STRING |
order_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: A carrier service (also known as a carrier calculated service or shipping service) provides real-time shipping rates to Shopify. Some common carrier services include Canada Post, FedEx, UPS, and USPS.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
active | BOOLEAN |
service_discovery | BOOLEAN |
carrier_service_type | STRING |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: This table lists all the price_rules associated with the entered shopify store
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
value_type | STRING |
value | STRING |
customer_selection | STRING |
target_type | STRING |
target_selection | STRING |
allocation_method | STRING |
once_per_customer | BOOLEAN |
starts_at | TIMESTAMP |
ends_at | TIMESTAMP |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
title | STRING |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
Purpose: This table lists all the disputes associated with the entered shopify store
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
order_id | NUMERIC |
type | STRING |
amount | STRING |
currency | STRING |
reason | STRING |
network_reason_code | STRING |
status | STRING |
evidence_due_by | TIMESTAMP |
evidence_sent_on | TIMESTAMP |
finalized_on | TIMESTAMP |
initiated_at | TIMESTAMP |
Purpose: This table has all the data related to customer's visiting activities on a shop's online store associated with the orders placed.
Note: The Sessions data is huge so currently, we only provide support for a 60-day history for this specific table. If you require data from a period before these 60 days, you will need to have the "read_all_orders" scope. Feel free to contact us if you require access to a longer history of data.
Scope: This table fetches
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: created_at
Column Name | Data Type |
momentsCount | NUMERIC |
moments | RECORD |
daysToConversion | NUMERIC |
customerOrderIndex | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
id | STRING |
landingPageUrl | STRING |
customer | RECORD |
createdAt | TIMESTAMP |
confirmed | BOOLEAN |
closedAt | TIMESTAMP |
closed | BOOLEAN |
capturable | BOOLEAN |
Purpose: This table has data to analyse about product performance. This dataset combines sales and sessions data at a product_id grain to provide a holistic view of product performance.
Note: The Sessions data is huge so currently we only provide support for a 60-day history for this specific table. Reach out to us if you require access to a longer history of data.
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Key Based Incremental
Replication Key: date of product sold(since, until)
Column Name | Data Type |
product_id | NUMERIC |
product_title | STRING |
product_type | STRING |
view_sessions | NUMERIC |
cart_sessions | NUMERIC |
checkout_sessions | NUMERIC |
purchase_sessions | NUMERIC |
view_cart_sessions | NUMERIC |
view_cart_checkout_sessions | NUMERIC |
view_cart_checkout_purchase_sessions | NUMERIC |
checkout_purchase_sessions | NUMERIC |
view_purchase_sessions | NUMERIC |
quantity_added_to_cart | NUMERIC |
quantity_purchased | NUMERIC |
gross_sales | NUMERIC |
ordered_product_quantity | NUMERIC |
returned_product_quantity | NUMERIC |
net_product_quantity | NUMERIC |
discounts | NUMERIC |
returns | NUMERIC |
net_sales | NUMERIC |
taxes | NUMERIC |
product_price | NUMERIC |
product_price_after_discounts | NUMERIC |
Purpose: This table provides all users for the shopify store.In order to use this API, you need to reach out to the Merchant Success Manager and ask them to enable the read_users scope
Source API Documentation:
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Column Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
account_owner | BOOLEAN |
receive_announcements | NUMERIC |
permissions | STRING |
locale | STRING |
user_type | STRING |
admin_graphql_api_id | STRING |
tfa_enabled | BOOLEAN |