Schema Information for Neon Pixel
Schema Information for Neon Pixel
In this article, we will look at the schema information of the supported APIs and tables for Neon Pixel.
Find the links to other articles related to Neon Pixel below:
Tables/APIs Supported
The tables and APIs associated with the Neon Pixel connector are as follows.
Purpose: The Advertiser API provides functionality for creating, updating, and analyzing digital ad campaigns, giving advertisers greater control over their ad performance. It allows users to automate the setup of ad creatives, adjust campaign settings, and gather detailed performance metrics to optimize targeting and engagement. This API helps in real-time tracking of ad effectiveness, enabling advertisers to make data-driven decisions to improve the reach and impact of their campaigns.
Source API Documentation: NA
Replication Type: Key Based
Primary Key: NA
Name | Data Type |
AverageOrderValue | STRING |
AveragePageViewsPerVisitor | STRING |
CompletedViewRate | STRING |
CompletedViews | STRING |
ConversionAssistOrderValue | STRING |
ConversionAssists | STRING |
ConversionAttributionPercentage | STRING |
ConversionRate | STRING |
Conversions | STRING |
CostPerAcquisition | STRING |
CostPerCompletedView | STRING |
CostPerVisit | STRING |
Day | STRING |
ExistingSiteVisitors | STRING |
ExistingUsersReached | STRING |
Frequency | STRING |
ImpressionConversionRate | STRING |
Impressions | STRING |
ImpressionVisitRate | STRING |
LastTouchConversions | STRING |
LastTouchOrderValue | STRING |
LastTouchVisits | STRING |
MultiTouchImpressions | STRING |
MultiTouchSpend | STRING |
Name | STRING |
NewSiteVisitors | STRING |
NewUsersReached | STRING |
OfflinePrimaryConversions | STRING |
OfflinePrimaryOrderValue | STRING |
OrderValue | STRING |
OrderValueAttributionPercentage | STRING |
PageViews | STRING |
PercentageOfConversions | STRING |
PercentageOfOrderValue | STRING |
RawAverageOrderValue | STRING |
RawConversionRate | STRING |
RawConversions | STRING |
RawExistingSiteVisitors | STRING |
RawNewSiteVisitors | STRING |
RawOrderValue | STRING |
RawVisitors | STRING |
ReturnOnAdSpend | STRING |
ReturnOnInvestment | STRING |
SiteVisitors | STRING |
Spend | STRING |
TVCommercialsAired | STRING |
TVSpend | STRING |
UserConversionRate | STRING |
UsersReached | STRING |
UserVisitRate | STRING |
ViewableImpressionRate | STRING |
ViewableImpressions | STRING |
VisitAssists | STRING |
VisitConversionRate | STRING |
VisitRate | STRING |
Visits | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Start_Date | DATE |
End_Date | DATE |
Purpose: The advertiser info provides details about the user's personal data, such as their address and current active status.
Source API Documentation: NA
Replication Type: Key Based
Primary Key: NA
Name | Data Type |
Active | STRING |
Address1 | STRING |
Address2 | STRING |
City | STRING |
ContactEmail | STRING |
ContactFirstName | STRING |
ContactLastName | STRING |
ContactMobilePhone | STRING |
ContactOfficePhone | STRING |
CreateTime | STRING |
Currency | STRING |
Name | STRING |
PostalCode | STRING |
SalesCycleLast1days | STRING |
SalesCycleLast30days | STRING |
SalesCycleLast7days | STRING |
State | STRING |
TimeZone | STRING |
Zip | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Start_Date | DATE |
End_Date | DATE |
Purpose: The Campaign Group API in NeonPixel allows advertisers to manage and organize campaigns in groups for better tracking and optimization.
Source API Documentation: NA
Replication Type: Key Based
Primary Key: NA
Name | Data Type |
AverageOrderValue | STRING |
CompletedViewRate | STRING |
CompletedViews | STRING |
ConversionAssistOrderValue | STRING |
ConversionAssists | STRING |
ConversionRate | STRING |
Conversions | STRING |
CostPerAcquisition | STRING |
CostPerCompletedView | STRING |
CostPerVisit | STRING |
Day | STRING |
ExistingSiteVisitors | STRING |
ExistingUsersReached | STRING |
Frequency | STRING |
ImpressionConversionRate | STRING |
Impressions | STRING |
ImpressionVisitRate | STRING |
LastTouchConversions | STRING |
LastTouchOrderValue | STRING |
LastTouchVisits | STRING |
MultiTouchImpressions | STRING |
MultiTouchSpend | STRING |
Name | STRING |
NewSiteVisitors | STRING |
NewUsersReached | STRING |
OfflinePrimaryConversions | STRING |
OfflinePrimaryOrderValue | STRING |
OrderValue | STRING |
ReturnOnAdSpend | STRING |
ReturnOnInvestment | STRING |
SiteVisitors | STRING |
Spend | STRING |
TVCommercialsAired | STRING |
TVSpend | STRING |
UserConversionRate | STRING |
UsersReached | STRING |
UserVisitRate | STRING |
ViewableImpressionRate | STRING |
ViewableImpressions | STRING |
VisitAssists | STRING |
VisitConversionRate | STRING |
VisitRate | STRING |
Visits | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Start_Date | DATE |
End_Date | DATE |
Purpose: The CampaignGroupInfo provides details about the campaign group, including its name, the number of impressions and visits, as well as its current status.
Source API Documentation: NA
Replication Type: Key Based
Primary Key: NA
Name | Data Type |
Description | STRING |
EndTime | STRING |
FlightEndTime | STRING |
FlightStartTime | STRING |
ImpressiontoVisitTimeLast1days | STRING |
ImpressiontoVisitTimeLast7days | STRING |
LastTouchImpressiontoVisitTimeLast1days | STRING |
LastTouchImpressiontoVisitTimeLast30days | STRING |
LastTouchImpressiontoVisitTimeLast7days | STRING |
Name | STRING |
StartTime | STRING |
Status | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Start_Date | DATE |
End_Date | DATE |