Schema Information- Cin7
This topic provides a structured reference to assist you in working with Daton's Cin7 connector and the associated fields and tables.
Schema Information- Cin7
This topic provides a structured reference to assist you in working with Daton's Cin7 connector and the associated fields and tables.
The following tables are associated with the Cin7 connector:
Manages inventory adjustments, allowing for corrections or updates to stock levels.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
processedBy | NUMERIC |
isApproved | BOOLEAN |
reference | STRING |
branchId | NUMERIC |
completedDate | TIMESTAMP |
productTotal | NUMERIC |
source | STRING |
lineItems | RECORD |
BOM Masters
Handles Bill of Materials (BOM) masters, which define the structure of assembled products and their component parts.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
products | RECORD |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
modifiedBy | NUMERIC |
productionNotes | STRING |
reference | STRING |
Branch Transfers
Facilitates the transfer of inventory between different branches or locations within the Cin7 system.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
processedBy | NUMERIC |
approvedBy | NUMERIC |
isApproved | BOOLEAN |
reference | STRING |
branchEmail | STRING |
deliveryInstructions | STRING |
internalComments | STRING |
productTotal | NUMERIC |
firstName | STRING |
lastName | STRING |
company | STRING |
phone | STRING |
mobile | STRING |
fax | STRING |
projectName | STRING |
trackingCode | STRING |
source | STRING |
sourceBranchId | NUMERIC |
destinationBranchId | NUMERIC |
approvalDate | TIMESTAMP |
dispatchedDate | TIMESTAMP |
receivedDate | TIMESTAMP |
stage | STRING |
customFields | RECORD |
lineItems | RECORD |
Provides information about different branches or locations within the Cin7 system.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
isActive | BOOLEAN |
company | STRING |
firstName | STRING |
lastName | STRING |
jobTitle | STRING |
website | STRING |
phone | STRING |
fax | STRING |
mobile | STRING |
address1 | STRING |
address2 | STRING |
city | STRING |
state | STRING |
postCode | STRING |
country | STRING |
postalAddress1 | STRING |
postalAddress2 | STRING |
postalCity | STRING |
postalPostCode | STRING |
postalState | STRING |
postalCountry | STRING |
notes | STRING |
integrationRef | STRING |
customFields | RECORD |
branchType | STRING |
stockControlOptions | STRING |
taxStatus | STRING |
accountNumber | STRING |
Manages and retrieves information related to contacts, which can include customers, suppliers, or other business associates.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
isActive | BOOLEAN |
company | STRING |
firstName | STRING |
lastName | STRING |
jobTitle | STRING |
website | STRING |
phone | STRING |
fax | STRING |
mobile | STRING |
address1 | STRING |
address2 | STRING |
city | STRING |
state | STRING |
postCode | STRING |
country | STRING |
postalAddress1 | STRING |
postalAddress2 | STRING |
postalCity | STRING |
postalPostCode | STRING |
postalState | STRING |
postalCountry | STRING |
notes | STRING |
integrationRef | STRING |
customFields | RECORD |
type | STRING |
salesPersonId | NUMERIC |
accountNumber | STRING |
billingId | NUMERIC |
billingCompany | STRING |
accountsFirstName | STRING |
accountsLastName | STRING |
billingEmail | STRING |
accountsPhone | STRING |
costCenter | STRING |
priceColumn | STRING |
percentageOff | NUMERIC |
paymentTerms | STRING |
taxStatus | STRING |
taxNumber | STRING |
creditLimit | NUMERIC |
balanceOwing | NUMERIC |
onHold | BOOLEAN |
group | STRING |
subGroup | STRING |
stages | STRING |
accountingIntegrationId | RECORD |
Handles credit notes, documenting any adjustments to customer accounts or transactions.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
processedBy | NUMERIC |
isApproved | BOOLEAN |
reference | STRING |
memberId | NUMERIC |
firstName | STRING |
lastName | STRING |
company | STRING |
phone | STRING |
mobile | STRING |
fax | STRING |
deliveryFirstName | STRING |
deliveryLastName | STRING |
deliveryCompany | STRING |
deliveryAddress1 | STRING |
deliveryAddress2 | STRING |
deliveryCity | STRING |
deliveryState | STRING |
deliveryPostalCode | STRING |
deliveryCountry | STRING |
billingFirstName | STRING |
billingLastName | STRING |
billingCompany | STRING |
billingAddress1 | STRING |
billingAddress2 | STRING |
billingCity | STRING |
billingPostalCode | STRING |
billingState | STRING |
billingCountry | STRING |
branchId | NUMERIC |
branchEmail | STRING |
projectName | STRING |
trackingCode | STRING |
internalComments | STRING |
productTotal | NUMERIC |
freightTotal | NUMERIC |
freightDescription | STRING |
surcharge | NUMERIC |
surchargeDescription | STRING |
discountTotal | NUMERIC |
discountDescription | STRING |
total | NUMERIC |
currencyCode | STRING |
currencyRate | NUMERIC |
currencySymbol | STRING |
taxStatus | STRING |
taxRate | NUMERIC |
source | STRING |
memberEmail | STRING |
status | STRING |
salesReference | STRING |
creditNoteNumber | NUMERIC |
customerReport | STRING |
alternativeAccountCode | STRING |
salesPersonId | NUMERIC |
logisticsStatus | NUMERIC |
lineItems | RECORD |
accountingAttributes | RECORD |
Manages payment-related information, including transactions, receipts, or any financial interactions.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
paymentDate | TIMESTAMP |
amount | NUMERIC |
method | STRING |
isAuthorized | BOOLEAN |
transactionRef | STRING |
comments | STRING |
orderId | NUMERIC |
orderRef | STRING |
paymentImportedRef | STRING |
reconcileDate | TIMESTAMP |
branchId | NUMERIC |
orderType | STRING |
Organizes and retrieves product categories, helping in the classification of products within the system.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
This table replicates in Full load.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
parentId | NUMERIC |
isActive | BOOLEAN |
sort | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
description | STRING |
Handles product options, which are variations or attributes associated with specific products.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
status | STRING |
productId | NUMERIC |
code | STRING |
barcode | STRING |
productOptionCode | STRING |
productOptionBarcode | STRING |
supplierCode | STRING |
option1 | STRING |
option2 | STRING |
option3 | STRING |
optionWeight | NUMERIC |
retailPrice | NUMERIC |
wholesalePrice | NUMERIC |
vipPrice | NUMERIC |
specialPrice | NUMERIC |
specialDays | NUMERIC |
stockAvailable | NUMERIC |
stockOnHand | NUMERIC |
priceColumns | RECORD |
Manages production jobs, providing information about manufacturing or assembly tasks.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: Date
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
dueDate | TIMESTAMP |
completedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
completedBy | NUMERIC |
isApproved | BOOLEAN |
branchId | NUMERIC |
company | STRING |
projectName | STRING |
productionNotes | STRING |
reference | STRING |
source | STRING |
totalCost | NUMERIC |
products | RECORD |
Retrieves information about products, including details such as descriptions, pricing, and stock levels.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
styleCode | STRING |
name | STRING |
description | STRING |
tags | STRING |
supplierId | NUMERIC |
brand | STRING |
category | STRING |
subCategory | STRING |
categoryIdArray | STRING |
channels | STRING |
weight | NUMERIC |
height | NUMERIC |
width | NUMERIC |
length | NUMERIC |
volume | NUMERIC |
stockControl | NUMERIC |
orderType | STRING |
productType | STRING |
productSubtype | STRING |
optionLabel1 | STRING |
optionLabel2 | STRING |
optionLabel3 | STRING |
salesAccount | STRING |
purchasesAccount | STRING |
importCustomsDuty | STRING |
customFields | RECORD |
productOptions | RECORD |
Purchase Orders
Handles the creation, retrieval, and management of purchase orders within the Cin7 system.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
This table replicates in Full load.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
processedBy | NUMERIC |
isApproved | BOOLEAN |
reference | STRING |
memberId | NUMERIC |
firstName | STRING |
lastName | STRING |
company | STRING |
phone | STRING |
mobile | STRING |
fax | STRING |
deliveryFirstName | STRING |
deliveryLastName | STRING |
deliveryCompany | STRING |
deliveryAddress1 | STRING |
deliveryAddress2 | STRING |
deliveryCity | STRING |
deliveryState | STRING |
deliveryPostalCode | STRING |
deliveryCountry | STRING |
billingFirstName | STRING |
billingLastName | STRING |
billingCompany | STRING |
billingAddress1 | STRING |
billingAddress2 | STRING |
billingCity | STRING |
billingPostalCode | STRING |
billingState | STRING |
billingCountry | STRING |
branchId | NUMERIC |
branchEmail | STRING |
projectName | STRING |
trackingCode | STRING |
internalComments | STRING |
productTotal | NUMERIC |
freightTotal | NUMERIC |
freightDescription | STRING |
surcharge | NUMERIC |
surchargeDescription | STRING |
discountTotal | NUMERIC |
discountDescription | STRING |
total | NUMERIC |
currencyCode | STRING |
currencyRate | NUMERIC |
currencySymbol | STRING |
taxStatus | STRING |
taxRate | NUMERIC |
source | STRING |
customFields | RECORD |
isVoid | BOOLEAN |
accountingAttributes | RECORD |
memberEmail | STRING |
memberCostCenter | STRING |
memberAlternativeTaxRate | STRING |
costCenter | STRING |
alternativeTaxRate | STRING |
estimatedDeliveryDate | TIMESTAMP |
salesPersonId | NUMERIC |
paymentTerms | STRING |
customerOrderNo | STRING |
deliveryInstructions | STRING |
status | STRING |
stage | STRING |
supplierInvoiceReference | STRING |
port | STRING |
fullyReceivedDate | TIMESTAMP |
invoiceDate | TIMESTAMP |
lineItems | RECORD |
logisticsCarrier | STRING |
logisticsStatus | NUMERIC |
Sales Orders
Manages sales orders, tracking customer requests for products or services.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
This table replicates in Full load.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
createdBy | NUMERIC |
processedBy | NUMERIC |
isApproved | BOOLEAN |
reference | STRING |
memberId | NUMERIC |
firstName | STRING |
company | STRING |
phone | STRING |
deliveryFirstName | STRING |
deliveryLastName | STRING |
deliveryCompany | STRING |
deliveryAddress1 | STRING |
deliveryAddress2 | STRING |
deliveryCity | STRING |
deliveryState | STRING |
deliveryPostalCode | STRING |
deliveryCountry | STRING |
billingCompany | STRING |
billingAddress1 | STRING |
billingCity | STRING |
billingPostalCode | STRING |
billingState | STRING |
billingCountry | STRING |
branchId | NUMERIC |
branchEmail | STRING |
projectName | STRING |
internalComments | STRING |
productTotal | NUMERIC |
freightTotal | NUMERIC |
surcharge | NUMERIC |
discountTotal | NUMERIC |
total | NUMERIC |
currencyCode | STRING |
currencyRate | NUMERIC |
currencySymbol | STRING |
taxStatus | STRING |
taxRate | NUMERIC |
isVoid | BOOLEAN |
accountingAttributes | RECORD |
memberEmail | STRING |
memberCostCenter | STRING |
memberAlternativeTaxRate | STRING |
estimatedDeliveryDate | TIMESTAMP |
salesPersonId | NUMERIC |
paymentTerms | STRING |
customerOrderNo | STRING |
deliveryInstructions | STRING |
cancellationDate | TIMESTAMP |
status | STRING |
stage | STRING |
invoiceNumber | NUMERIC |
logisticsCarrier | STRING |
logisticsStatus | NUMERIC |
ediStatus | NUMERIC |
distributionBranchId | NUMERIC |
departmentNumber | STRING |
storeLocationNumber | STRING |
distributionCenter | STRING |
lineItems | RECORD |
Handles serial numbers associated with specific products, aiding in tracking and identification.
For more information see, Cin7- API Documentation.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
serialnumber | STRING |
productId | NUMERIC |
productOptionId | NUMERIC |
lineItemId | NUMERIC |
code | STRING |
holdingGroup | STRING |
branchId | NUMERIC |
available | NUMERIC |
Manages overall stock levels, providing information about inventory quantities and availability.
Primary Key: id
- This is the unique identifier.
Field Name | Data Type |
productId | NUMERIC |
productOptionId | NUMERIC |
modifiedDate | TIMESTAMP |
styleCode | STRING |
code | STRING |
barcode | STRING |
branchId | NUMERIC |
branchName | STRING |
productName | STRING |
option1 | STRING |
option2 | STRING |
option3 | STRING |
size | STRING |
available | NUMERIC |
stockOnHand | NUMERIC |
openSales | NUMERIC |
incoming | NUMERIC |
virtual | NUMERIC |
holding | NUMERIC |
Deals with vouchers, which may include promotional codes, discounts, or special offers applied to transactions.
This table replicates in Full load.
Field Name | Data Type |
createdDate | TIMESTAMP |
status | STRING |
code | STRING |
type | STRING |
description | STRING |
expiryDate | TIMESTAMP |
amount | NUMERIC |
customerID | NUMERIC |
customerEmail | STRING |
redeemedCount | NUMERIC |
redeemedCountLimit | NUMERIC |
redeemedAmount | NUMERIC |