Schema Information
Schema Information
Structured details and metadata about the BigCommerce connector and its corresponding tables and fields.
Retrieves the list of drafted banners associated with the BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- banners.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
content | STRING |
page | STRING |
item_id | STRING |
location | STRING |
date_created | STRING |
date_type | STRING |
date_from | STRING |
date_to | STRING |
visible | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Allows you to create, modify, and delete individual brands linked with the products in your BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- brands.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
page_title | STRING |
meta_keywords | STRING |
meta_description | STRING |
image_url | STRING |
search_keywords | STRING |
custom_url | RECORD |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Helps to retrieve details such as MPN, warranty, price, and images for each product. The Catalog encompasses a store's assortment of physical and digital products. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- catalog.
Field Name | Data Type |
cost_price | NUMERIC |
price | NUMERIC |
sale_price | NUMERIC |
retail_price | NUMERIC |
weight | NUMERIC |
width | NUMERIC |
height | NUMERIC |
depth | NUMERIC |
is_free_shipping | BOOLEAN |
fixed_cost_shipping_price | NUMERIC |
purchasing_disabled | BOOLEAN |
purchasing_disabled_message | STRING |
upc | STRING |
inventory_level | NUMERIC |
inventory_warning_level | NUMERIC |
bin_picking_number | STRING |
id | NUMERIC |
product_id | NUMERIC |
sku | STRING |
sku_id | NUMERIC |
option_values | RECORD |
calculated_price | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
map_price | NUMERIC |
calculated_weight | NUMERIC |
image_url | STRING |
mpn | STRING |
gtin | STRING |
Allows a BigCommerce store owner to create, modify, and delete categories. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- categories.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
parent_id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
description | STRING |
views | NUMERIC |
sort_order | NUMERIC |
page_title | STRING |
meta_keywords | STRING |
meta_description | STRING |
layout_file | STRING |
image_url | STRING |
is_visible | BOOLEAN |
search_keywords | STRING |
default_product_sort | STRING |
custom_url | RECORD |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Assists in retrieving data linked to a category or product discounts that can be applied to orders for consumers who input a specific code for a specific BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- coupons.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
type | STRING |
amount | STRING |
min_purchase | STRING |
expires | STRING |
enabled | BOOLEAN |
code | STRING |
applies_to | RECORD |
num_uses | NUMERIC |
max_uses | NUMERIC |
max_uses_per_customer | NUMERIC |
restricted_to | RECORD |
shipping_methods | STRING |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves the data of creating, updating, and deleting orders along with order shipments and order shipping addresses for a BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- orders.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
customer_id | NUMERIC |
date_created | DATETIME |
date_modified | DATETIME |
date_shipped | STRING |
status_id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
subtotal_ex_tax | STRING |
subtotal_inc_tax | STRING |
subtotal_tax | STRING |
base_shipping_cost | STRING |
shipping_cost_ex_tax | STRING |
shipping_cost_inc_tax | STRING |
shipping_cost_tax | STRING |
shipping_cost_tax_class_id | NUMERIC |
base_handling_cost | STRING |
handling_cost_ex_tax | STRING |
handling_cost_inc_tax | STRING |
handling_cost_tax | STRING |
handling_cost_tax_class_id | NUMERIC |
base_wrapping_cost | STRING |
wrapping_cost_ex_tax | STRING |
wrapping_cost_inc_tax | STRING |
wrapping_cost_tax | STRING |
wrapping_cost_tax_class_id | NUMERIC |
total_ex_tax | STRING |
total_inc_tax | STRING |
total_tax | STRING |
items_total | NUMERIC |
items_shipped | NUMERIC |
payment_method | STRING |
payment_status | STRING |
refunded_amount | STRING |
order_is_digital | BOOLEAN |
store_credit_amount | STRING |
gift_certificate_amount | STRING |
ip_address | STRING |
ip_address_v6 | STRING |
geoip_country | STRING |
geoip_country_iso2 | STRING |
currency_id | NUMERIC |
currency_code | STRING |
currency_exchange_rate | STRING |
default_currency_id | NUMERIC |
default_currency_code | STRING |
staff_notes | STRING |
customer_message | STRING |
discount_amount | STRING |
coupon_discount | STRING |
shipping_address_count | NUMERIC |
is_deleted | BOOLEAN |
ebay_order_id | STRING |
billing_address | RECORD |
is_email_opt_in | BOOLEAN |
order_source | STRING |
channel_id | NUMERIC |
products | RECORD |
shipping_addresses | RECORD |
coupons | RECORD |
tax_provider_id | STRING |
customer_locale | STRING |
external_order_id | STRING |
store_default_currency_code | STRING |
store_default_to_transactional_exchange_rate | STRING |
custom_status | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves the pricing list details assigned to a BigCommerce store's specific sales channel, customer group, or customer group. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- pricelists.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
date_modified | TIMESTAMP |
active | BOOLEAN |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves all the lists of product images associated with a BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- product images.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
product_id | NUMERIC |
is_thumbnail | BOOLEAN |
sort_order | NUMERIC |
description | STRING |
image_file | STRING |
url_zoom | STRING |
url_standard | STRING |
url_thumbnail | STRING |
url_tiny | STRING |
date_modified | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves a list of all the reviews associated with a product for a given BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- product reviews.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
rating | NUMERIC |
text | STRING |
title | STRING |
status | STRING |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
date_modified | TIMESTAMP |
date_reviewed | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves arbitrary key-value attributes like variant images and their meta fields associated with a BigCommerce store product. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- product variants.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
product_id | NUMERIC |
sku | STRING |
price | NUMERIC |
calculated_price | NUMERIC |
sale_price | NUMERIC |
retail_price | NUMERIC |
map_price | NUMERIC |
weight | NUMERIC |
width | NUMERIC |
height | NUMERIC |
depth | NUMERIC |
is_free_shipping | BOOLEAN |
fixed_cost_shipping_price | NUMERIC |
calculated_weight | NUMERIC |
purchasing_disabled | BOOLEAN |
purchasing_disabled_message | STRING |
image_url | STRING |
cost_price | NUMERIC |
upc | STRING |
mpn | STRING |
gtin | STRING |
inventory_level | NUMERIC |
inventory_warning_level | NUMERIC |
bin_picking_number | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
option_values | RECORD |
sku_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves the list of product variants, variant options, pricing, reviews, images, and videos for a BigCommerce store product, in addition to complex rules, custom fields, and metafields data. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- products.
Field Name | Data Type |
calculated_price | NUMERIC |
categories | STRING |
brand_id | NUMERIC |
option_set_id | NUMERIC |
option_set_display | STRING |
inventory_level | NUMERIC |
inventory_warning_level | NUMERIC |
inventory_tracking | STRING |
reviews_rating_sum | NUMERIC |
reviews_count | NUMERIC |
total_sold | NUMERIC |
fixed_cost_shipping_price | NUMERIC |
is_free_shipping | BOOLEAN |
is_visible | BOOLEAN |
is_featured | BOOLEAN |
related_products | STRING |
warranty | STRING |
bin_picking_number | STRING |
layout_file | STRING |
upc | STRING |
mpn | STRING |
gtin | STRING |
search_keywords | STRING |
availability | STRING |
availability_description | STRING |
gift_wrapping_options_type | STRING |
sort_order | NUMERIC |
condition | STRING |
is_condition_shown | BOOLEAN |
order_quantity_minimum | NUMERIC |
order_quantity_maximum | NUMERIC |
page_title | STRING |
meta_description | STRING |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
date_modified | TIMESTAMP |
view_count | NUMERIC |
preorder_message | STRING |
is_preorder_only | BOOLEAN |
is_price_hidden | BOOLEAN |
price_hidden_label | STRING |
custom_url | RECORD |
base_variant_id | NUMERIC |
open_graph_type | STRING |
open_graph_title | STRING |
open_graph_description | STRING |
open_graph_use_meta_description | BOOLEAN |
open_graph_use_product_name | BOOLEAN |
open_graph_use_image | BOOLEAN |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Retrieves the data related to the alternate currency display options on the storefront for a BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- storecurrency.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
is_default | BOOLEAN |
last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
country_iso2 | STRING |
currency_code | STRING |
currency_exchange_rate | STRING |
auto_update | BOOLEAN |
token_location | STRING |
token | STRING |
decimal_token | STRING |
thousands_token | STRING |
decimal_places | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
enabled | BOOLEAN |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
default_for_country_codes | STRING |
is_transactional | BOOLEAN |
use_default_name | BOOLEAN |
Retrieves the data related to subscribers for a BigCommerce store. For more information on the API, see BigCommerce v2- subscribers.
Field Name | Data Type |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
source | STRING |
order_id | NUMERIC |
channel_id | NUMERIC |
id | NUMERIC |
date_modified | TIMESTAMP |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
consents | STRING |