Schema Information for OrderGroove
Schema Information for OrderGroove
In this article, we will look at the schema information of the supported APIs and tables for OrderGroove.
Find the links to other articles related to OrderGroove Below:
- Essential Attributes and Supported Tables for OrderGroove
- Set up Instructions for OrderGroove
- API Keys for OrderGroove
Tables/APIs Supported
The following are the Tables or APIs associated with the OrderGroove connector.
Purpose: This API returns a list of all customer subscriptions for a merchant, or a list of subscriptions for an individual customer.
Source API Documentation: Subscriptions
Primary Key: public_id- This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
customer | STRING |
merchant | STRING |
product | STRING |
payment | STRING |
shipping_address | STRING |
offer | STRING |
subscription_type | STRING |
raw_subscription_type | STRING |
extra_data | RECORD |
extra_data.shopify_contract_id | STRING |
public_id | STRING |
quantity | NUMERIC |
frequency_days | NUMERIC |
reminder_days | NUMERIC |
every | NUMERIC |
every_period | NUMERIC |
start_date | DATE |
cancelled | DATETIME |
session_id | STRING |
merchant_order_id | STRING |
created | DATETIME |
updated | DATETIME |
live | BOOLEAN |
external_id | STRING |
currency_code | STRING |
cancel_reason | STRING |
cancel_reason_code | NUMERIC |
customer_rep | NUMERIC |
Purpose: This API retrieves Lists all of a single user’s orders.
Source API Documentation: Orders
Primary Key: public_id- This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
merchant | STRING |
customer | STRING |
payment | STRING |
shipping_address | STRING |
public_id | STRING |
sub_total | STRING |
tax_total | STRING |
shipping_total | STRING |
discount_total | STRING |
total | STRING |
created | DATETIME |
updated | DATETIME |
place | DATETIME |
tries | NUMERIC |
generic_error_count | NUMERIC |
status | NUMERIC |
type | NUMERIC |
order_merchant_id | STRING |
locked | BOOLEAN |
oos_free_shipping | BOOLEAN |
currency_code | STRING |
cancelled | DATETIME |
rejected_message | STRING |
Purpose: This API returns a list of all the order items for an individual user.
Source API Documentation: Order_items
Primary Key: Order - This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
order | STRING |
subscription | STRING |
product | STRING |
quantity | NUMERIC |
public_id | STRING |
price | STRING |
extra_cost | STRING |
total_price | STRING |
one_time | BOOLEAN |
frozen | BOOLEAN |
Purpose: This request will return an array of all customers.
Source API Documentation: Customers
Primary Key: merchant_user_id - This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
merchant | STRING |
merchant_user_id | STRING |
session_id | STRING |
user_token_id | STRING |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
phone_number | STRING |
live | BOOLEAN |
created | DATETIME |
last_updated | DATETIME |
locale | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Returns an array of all addresses available to the merchant.
Source API Documentation: Addresses
Primary Key: public_id- This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
customer | STRING |
public_id | STRING |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
address | STRING |
city | STRING |
state_province_code | STRING |
zip_postal_code | STRING |
phone | STRING |
country_code | STRING |
live | BOOLEAN |
created | DATETIME |
company_name | STRING |
address2 | STRING |
fax | STRING |
token_id | STRING |
Purpose: Returns a list of all customer payment methods available to the merchant.
Source API Documentation: Payments
Primary Key: public_id- This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
customer | STRING |
billing_address | STRING |
cc_number_ending | STRING |
payment_method | STRING |
public_id | STRING |
token_id | STRING |
cc_holder | STRING |
cc_type | NUMERIC |
cc_exp_date | STRING |
live | BOOLEAN |
created | DATETIME |
last_updated | DATETIME |
Purpose: Returns a list of all merchant's products .
Source API Documentation: Products
Primary Key: external_product_id - This is the unique identifier.
Name | Data Type |
merchant | STRING |
name | STRING |
price | STRING |
image_url | STRING |
detail_url | STRING |
external_product_id | STRING |
sku | STRING |
autoship_enabled | BOOLEAN |
premier_enabled | NUMERIC |
created | DATETIME |
last_update | DATETIME |
live | BOOLEAN |
discontinued | BOOLEAN |
product_type | STRING |
autoship_by_default | BOOLEAN |
prepaid_eligible | BOOLEAN |
groups | RECORD |
every | NUMERIC |
every_period | NUMERIC |
groups.group_type | STRING | | STRING |